Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy Belated Mabon

Mabon is a time to celebrate our harvests and to seek balance in our lives. The beauty of nature surrounds us and we give thanks for our bounty of blessings. This is a wonderful time to take stock of all of the positive parts of our lives. Whatever we focus on expands, and with the energy of this season we can expand our awareness of the good in our lives and share that with others.

I haven't posted since the summer solstice because of a summer filled with activity and entering my fourth semester of Nursing School. Goddess willing I will graduate in December. I periodically put a hold on posting here and then feel a flurry of words begging to be released so I am drawn back to share my thoughts.
I also feel a committment within myself to become more aligned with the wheel of the year and to celebrate the holidays in a more organized way, which I have done only intermittently in my eclectic pagan practice.
The website 'Healing Happens' does a wonderful job of highlighting the wheel of the year and our need to reconnect with the Mother through nature: "Mother Earth is alive and sentient, both matter and consciousness. She holds out her heart to us, inviting us to deep partnership. We are of the Earth, not separate from her. Her rhythms are our rhythms. When we live without conscious connection to the Earth, we create stress and disharmony, for ourselves and for all life on this planet. Tuning to her rhythms restores harmony and teaches us to embrace the ever-turning cycle of creation and destruction.
One of the most accessible ways to engage this cycle is by aligning with the Wheel of the Year, the annual cycle of changing seasons. By observing the 8 sacred holidays or festivals which mark the Wheel of the Year, we can begin to tune deeply to this foundational cycle and learn to work with rather than against the natural currents of life on Mother Earth. "
Happy Mabon!