Monday, May 04, 2009


One thing I only touched upon in the sacred housekeeping post is how important it is to smudge your surroundings. Smudging is a technique used by Native Americans to cleanse the environment of negative energy. The most common herbs used are sage, sweet grass, and cedar. You can find smudge sticks at most new age supply stores or online.
Imagine you are ridding the area of negative thought forms and stagnant energy. Open a window and let out the smoke as it carries out these vibrations and allows fresh air in to recharge your space and yourself. It helps to do this any time you have had a lot of different people in or if you are feeling stuck in your situation and need a boost of positive energy. If you want to do a more in depth ceremony, there is a wonderful article here on the smudging ceremony and the meaning of the sacred herbs used.