Monday, May 11, 2009

The Power of Coincidence

Its become almost a cliche, the idea that coincidences are more than what they seem. But these powerful little reminders that the Universe is actively participating in our lives should not be discounted. We are potent spiritual beings who are constantly ordering our surroundings symbolically. We use the raw material of our environment in a two way communication with our Higher Selves in the form of synchronicity.
When you are receiving a lot of coincidences, this is a sign that you are riding the flow in a positive manner. When we don't get as many symbolic alignments in the form of coincidence, it can mean that we are in a time of challenge and growing on a learning curve or that we are experiencing our shadow side and the flow of energy is blocked. This is a good time to do a centering and grounding meditation and to clear your
chakras of accumulated debris. Smudging is also helpful to reboot our energy.
It is sometimes difficult to understand why a certain coincidence has occurred, and often times its counter productive to try to analyze a
synchronistic event because we tend to see what we want to see and usually the Universe is thinking on an infinite scale while we can only think on a limited one. Its best to allow the understanding to come into your consciousness and subconscious symbolically, in other words, to let it seep into and inform your being without having to limit it with words. Its ok then to ask Higher Self for another sign so you can understand which direction you are meant to go.
Coincidences are sign posts which guide us along our path by pointing us in the right direction. When we receive them, we know we are living in the flow. These reminders from the Universe that we are seen and heard can be powerful affirmations that we are in the right place at the right time and that we are loved by a force within us and greater than ourselves.