Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Field

The Field: The Quest For The Secret Force of The Universe, by Lynn McTaggart (HarperCollins, 2002) is a book that explores the force which resonates within every molecule and interconnects all things. McTaggart follows the maverick scientists who discovered the Zero Point Field, which she describes as "an ocean of subatomic vibrations in the space between things... much like The Force in Star Wars," and she uses her many years of experience as an investigative journalist in the pursuit of rigorous scientific inquiry to substantiate her claims.

The Field
also presents the idea that human beings are in a constant interplay with a reactive environment that responds to and mirrors our intentions. McTaggart asserts that human consciousness has the creative potential to make manifest an infinite variety of positive possibilities that can heal ourselves and our world, and she postulates that the Zero Point Field is the basis for the collective unconscious and is a vast recording device where all things are in constant communication with each other.
The implications of the Zero Point Field Theory are only beginning to be understood and may explain paranormal activity, energy medicine, and the very nature and power of consciousness itself. Even the most staunch skeptic will find The Field a sound and intriguing exploration of the place where theoretical physics and metaphysics meet.